November 2022
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning Meeting

This meeting did not take place due to lack of quorum. 


Pursuant to para 3.1.11 of the Scheme of Delegation, the Clerk consulted with the Chair of the Planning and Open Spaces Committee, Cllr. Capsey and the Chair of the Parish Council, Cllr. Jordan, and communicated the Council's views on the two applications listed on the agenda to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) via email. This was to ensure that the Parish Council, as a Statutory Consultee within the planning process, submitted its comments by the deadline, to ensure that they were taken into consideration by the LPA when determining the applications. 

22/02314/FUL | Demolition of existing bungalow and redevelopment of 2 no. residential units. | Shamba The Ride Ifold Loxwood RH14 0TQ

Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council object to the above planning application.

The increased number of dwellings on the site will increase water demand. Unless the development is ‘water neutral’, it cannot proceed without contravening the standing advice from Natural England which seeks to protect internationally sensitive sites in the Arun Valley from unsustainable water abstraction in the Sussex North Water Resource Zone. In accordance with Natural England’s Position Statement for Applications within the Sussex North Water Supply Zone, the definition of water neutrality is the use of water in the supply area before the development is the same or lower after the development is in place.”

The proposed development represents over-development for the size of the Site. The proposed situation of Plot B is close to the Site boundary and overlooks the adjoining property.

The Parish Council refers to its letter of objection in relation to related case 21/03447/FUL | Status: Refuse, dated 14th January 2022.

The Site is modest and the proposed development would not be in keeping with the low density semi-rural, residential area and would have a negative urbanising effect. Ifold is characterised by large, detached dwellings in spacious plots ranging from 0.1ha to 1ha. Development within Ifold should reflect the established housing density, which ensures that the built heritage and rural character is maintained for the benefit of future generations. To permit this application would set a precedent for other sites within the Ifold Settlement Boundary and contribute to the gradual erosion of the character of the area. 

The settlement of Ifold suffers from inadequate foul and surface water drainage. This results in frequent occurrences of surface water flooding resulting in hydraulic backflows of effluent from sewage access chambers during episodes of prolonged and high levels of rainfall. The Ride is particularly susceptible to this due to minimal water management along the road. The incidences of effluent discharge and flooding have increased over recent years, which may be due to additional new development, increasing hard surface areas and tree removal within the Settlement Boundary and without appropriate amendment to the sewer and surface water infrastructure. Additionally, the Loxwood Wastewater Treatment Works is currently over-capacity.

The site’s proposed entrance is over a verge owned by Ifold Estates Limited, which also serves as a passing bay. It is noted that Ifold Estates Ltd have not given their permission for this access. The passing bay is essential for the safe passage and manoeuvrability around the Ifold Estate. The proposed entrance will interfere with the site lines of the junction between Chalk Road and The Ride.

The proposed development will impact the trees, hedges, and other landscape features within the Site; for example, at the proposed new entrance.

If the Local Planning Authority are so minded to grant this application, Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council respectfully seek the removal of all permitted development rights and the express protection of the Oak trees on the Site with Tree Preservation Orders. The site is predominantly shaded, and without such protection the concern is that these tree will be removed in due course, resulting in the loss of Ifold’s valuable trees and further erosion of the area’s character generally. 

22/01546/DOM | Orangery to rear and extended bedroom to first floor. | Hawkes Rickmans Lane Plaistow Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0NT

Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council make No Comment in relation to the above referred to planning application. 

There are no minutes for this meeting. All other items on the agenda, will be considered at the next Planning and Open Spaces Committee meeting on 23rd November



