Next Meeting

09 July 2024

Winter & Emergency Plan Subcommittee Meeting

Kelsey Hall, Ifold Tuesday 8:00 pm View Details

All Committee Meetings of Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council are open to the press and public and the Parish Council welcomes your attendance.

Attendance - You can either attend meetings in person, or remotely via the Zoom. If you wish to attend the meeting remotely, please contact the Clerk for the The Clerk can collect and read out any written submissions during the public participation section of the meeting on behalf of anyone who is unable to join either in person, or via Zoom. Please ensure that your question(s), or brief representation(s) are received by the Clerk, via email only, no later than 4pm on the day of the

2024-2025 Meeting Schedule

Filter Meetings
Year Month Meeting Type

May 2025
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Annual Parish Meeting

Annual Parish Meeting (Annual Assembly)

May 2025
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

May 2025
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee

Planning Meeting

April 2025
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

April 2025
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Finance Committee

Finance Meeting

April 2025
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee

Planning Meeting

March 2025
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Winter & Emergency Plan Committee

Winter & Emergency Plan Subcommittee Meeting

March 2025
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

March 2025
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee

Planning Meeting

February 2025
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

February 2025
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee

Planning Meeting

January 2025
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee

Planning Meeting

January 2025
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

January 2025
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Finance Committee

Finance Meeting

January 2025
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee

Planning Meeting

December 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

December 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee

Planning Meeting

December 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Finance Committee

Finance Meeting

November 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee

Planning Meeting

November 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

October 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

HR Committee

October 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

October 2024
Tuesday, 19:45
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee

Planning Meeting

October 2024
Tuesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Finance Committee

Finance Meeting

September 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Winter & Emergency Plan Committee

Winter & Emergency Plan Subcommittee Meeting

September 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

September 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee

Planning Meeting

August 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee

Planning Meeting

August 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee

Planning Meeting

July 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee

July 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

July 2024
Tuesday, 19:00
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Finance Committee

Finance Meeting

July 2024
Tuesday, 20:00
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Winter & Emergency Plan Committee

Winter & Emergency Plan Subcommittee Meeting

June 2024
Wednesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee- CANCELLED

June 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

June 2024
Tuesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee

Planning Meeting

June 2024
Tuesday, 20:00

Playpark Working Group

Playpark Working Group

May 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Annual Parish Meeting

Annual Parish Council Meeting

May 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

May 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Annual Parish Council Meeting

Annual Parish Council Meeting

April 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
Tuesday 7.30pm Winterton Hall

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting- CANCELLED

Planning Meeting

This meeting has been cancelled due to insuffficiency of Planning Applications to consider. The next Planning Committee meeting is 14th May 2024 7.30pm Kelsey Hall.

April 2024
Wednesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Finance Meeting

Finance Meeting

April 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

April 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

April 2024
Tuesday, 8:00
Tuesday 8pm Winterton Hall, Plaistow

HR Committee

HR Committee

March 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

March 2024
Tuesday, 19:00
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

March 2024
Tuesday, 19:45
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Winter & Emergency Plan Committee CANCELLED

Winter & Emergency Plan Subcommittee Meeting

The Meeting has been posponed and will take place in May date to be determined

February 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

CANCELLED Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

February 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

January 2024
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

January 2024
Thursday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning & Open Spaces Committee

Planning Meeting

January 2024
Tuesday, 19:15
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Finance Meeting

Finance Meeting

January 2024
Tuesday, 19:45
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

December 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

December 2023
Tuesday, 19:45
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

HR Committee

HR Committee

December 2023
Tuesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

November 2023
Wednesday, 19:45
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

HR Committee

HR Committee

November 2023
Wednesday, 19:00
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

November 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

November 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

October 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

October 2023
Wednesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Finance Meeting

Finance Meeting

October 2023
Tuesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

October 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Winter & Emergency Plan Committee

Winter & Emergency Plan Subcommittee Meeting

Please visit the Resilience webpage to review the draft Winter Plan (here

September 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

September 2023
Tuesday, 19:00
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Meeting now stands Cancelled

The planning application will be considered during the full Council meeting on Wednesday 13th September 2023. 

August 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

August 2023
Tuesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

August 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

Extraordinary Meeting

Extraordinary meeting to consider a Neighbourhood Plan

July 2023
Wednesday, 19:00
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Finance Meeting

Finance Meeting

July 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

July 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

June 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

June 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

May 2023
Wednesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Annual Parish Meeting (Annual Assembly)

Annual Parish Meeting (Annual Assembly)

Q: What is the Annual Parish Meeting (sometimes called the Annual Assembly)?

A: It might surprise you to know that Parish Councils and Parish Meetings are two separate legal entities! It is via convention that the Parish Council traditionally hosts the ‘Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting’.

A Parish Meeting is a type of local authority – it is a post-1894 survival of the annual meeting of the 'vestry' of the ecclesiastical parish, which elected churchwardens and conducted various other business (so called because it met, or once met, in the vestry (robing room) of the church).

Parish Meeting membership consists of all parishioners who are on the electoral role for the area.  Local electors do not need to be invited, or apply to become members, they automatically are members of their Parish Meeting as a result of LGA 1972 s13(1).

Parish Meetings have no legal decision-making powers, consequently no “decisions” / votes conducted at the meeting can bind the Parish Council, or anyone else.

The law requires Parish Meetings to assemble annually between 1st March and 1st June (LGA 1972, Sch 12, para 14). The meeting can be convened by any six electors, or any two Parish Councillors, or the Chair of the Parish Council. The meeting (date and time) shall be held as fixed by the Parish Council.

If the Chair of the Parish Council is present at the meeting, they must preside. The meeting is open to the public (any member of the public, whether from the parish or not), but only registered electors can vote at the meeting. 

The only business that is legally required to be considered at the meeting is to approve the minutes of the previous Parish Meeting (LGA 1972, Sch 12, para 19). Thereafter, it is up to the parishioners in attendance to decide what they wish to talk about.  

May 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Annual Parish Council Meeting

Annual Parish Council Meeting

May 2023
Tuesday, 19:00
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

May 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

April 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

April 2023
Wednesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Finance Committee Meeting

Finance Meeting

April 2023
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

March 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

March 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

March 2023
Tuesday, 19:45
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

February 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

February 2023

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting - CANCELLED

Meeting now stands Cancelled

This meeting has been cancelled, as there are currently no new planning applications for the Parish Council's consideration. 

The next meeting will take place on 7th March. 

January 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

January 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

January 2023
Wednesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Finance Committee Meeting

Finance Meeting

January 2023
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

December 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

December 2022
Wednesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Finance Meeting

Finance Meeting

December 2022
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

November 2022
Wednesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

November 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

November 2022
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

This meeting did not take place due to lack of quorum. 


Pursuant to para 3.1.11 of the Scheme of Delegation, the Clerk consulted with the Chair of the Planning and Open Spaces Committee, Cllr. Capsey and the Chair of the Parish Council, Cllr. Jordan, and communicated the Council's views on the two applications listed on the agenda to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) via email. This was to ensure that the Parish Council, as a Statutory Consultee within the planning process, submitted its comments by the deadline, to ensure that they were taken into consideration by the LPA when determining the applications. 

22/02314/FUL | Demolition of existing bungalow and redevelopment of 2 no. residential units. | Shamba The Ride Ifold Loxwood RH14 0TQ

Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council object to the above planning application.

The increased number of dwellings on the site will increase water demand. Unless the development is ‘water neutral’, it cannot proceed without contravening the standing advice from Natural England which seeks to protect internationally sensitive sites in the Arun Valley from unsustainable water abstraction in the Sussex North Water Resource Zone. In accordance with Natural England’s Position Statement for Applications within the Sussex North Water Supply Zone, the definition of water neutrality is the use of water in the supply area before the development is the same or lower after the development is in place.”

The proposed development represents over-development for the size of the Site. The proposed situation of Plot B is close to the Site boundary and overlooks the adjoining property.

The Parish Council refers to its letter of objection in relation to related case 21/03447/FUL | Status: Refuse, dated 14th January 2022.

The Site is modest and the proposed development would not be in keeping with the low density semi-rural, residential area and would have a negative urbanising effect. Ifold is characterised by large, detached dwellings in spacious plots ranging from 0.1ha to 1ha. Development within Ifold should reflect the established housing density, which ensures that the built heritage and rural character is maintained for the benefit of future generations. To permit this application would set a precedent for other sites within the Ifold Settlement Boundary and contribute to the gradual erosion of the character of the area. 

The settlement of Ifold suffers from inadequate foul and surface water drainage. This results in frequent occurrences of surface water flooding resulting in hydraulic backflows of effluent from sewage access chambers during episodes of prolonged and high levels of rainfall. The Ride is particularly susceptible to this due to minimal water management along the road. The incidences of effluent discharge and flooding have increased over recent years, which may be due to additional new development, increasing hard surface areas and tree removal within the Settlement Boundary and without appropriate amendment to the sewer and surface water infrastructure. Additionally, the Loxwood Wastewater Treatment Works is currently over-capacity.

The site’s proposed entrance is over a verge owned by Ifold Estates Limited, which also serves as a passing bay. It is noted that Ifold Estates Ltd have not given their permission for this access. The passing bay is essential for the safe passage and manoeuvrability around the Ifold Estate. The proposed entrance will interfere with the site lines of the junction between Chalk Road and The Ride.

The proposed development will impact the trees, hedges, and other landscape features within the Site; for example, at the proposed new entrance.

If the Local Planning Authority are so minded to grant this application, Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council respectfully seek the removal of all permitted development rights and the express protection of the Oak trees on the Site with Tree Preservation Orders. The site is predominantly shaded, and without such protection the concern is that these tree will be removed in due course, resulting in the loss of Ifold’s valuable trees and further erosion of the area’s character generally. 

22/01546/DOM | Orangery to rear and extended bedroom to first floor. | Hawkes Rickmans Lane Plaistow Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0NT

Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council make No Comment in relation to the above referred to planning application. 

There are no minutes for this meeting. All other items on the agenda, will be considered at the next Planning and Open Spaces Committee meeting on 23rd November

October 2022
Tuesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

This meeting did not take place due to lack of quorum. 

Pursuant to para 3.1.11 of the Scheme of Delegation, the Clerk consulted with the Chair of the Planning and Open Spaces Committee, Cllr. Capsey, and communicated the Council's views on the applications to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) via email. This was to ensure that the Parish Council, as a Statutory Consultee within the planning process, submitted its comments by the deadline, to ensure that they were taken into consideration by the LPA when determining the applications. 

22/02257/DOM | Proposed 2 storey side extension, part roof extension, porch extension and associated changes to fenestration. | Haida Chalk Road Ifold Loxwood West Sussex RH14 0UB

The Parish Council makes No Comment in relation to the proposals per se; however, does note the increase in bedroom number and water outlets within the property. Consequently, the Parish Council respectfully requests that the Planning Officer ensures that the proposals do not breach the current Water Neutrality requirements. 

Re: 22/02392/ELD | Existing lawful development occupation of dwelling in breach of and agricultural occupancy condition 2. | Waters Edge The Drive Ifold Loxwood West Sussex RH14 0TD

 The Parish Council makes No Comment in relation to the above planning application. 

Re: 22/02445/DOM | Internal and external alterations, front and rear extensions. | Glendower The Ride Ifold Loxwood Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0TH

 The Parish Council makes No Comment in relation to the above planning application. 

Re: 22/01648/DOM | Demolition of existing flat roof garage and construction of new garage. | Bell House Chalk Road Ifold Loxwood West Sussex RH14 0UB

The Parish Council makes No Comment in relation to the above referred to planning application. Nevertheless, if the application is approved, the Parish Council respectfully asks the Planning Officer to impose a condition that the new garage remains ancillary to the enjoyment of the main dwelling house, known as Bell House Chalk Road Ifold Loxwood West Sussex RH14 0UB, in perpetuity. 

Re: 22/02365/PLD | Replacement single storey rear and side extensions. | Forest Lodge Shillinglee Road Plaistow West Sussex RH14 0PQ

The Parish Council makes No Comment in relation to the above planning application. 

There are no minutes for this meeting. All other items on the agenda, will be considered at the next Planning and Open Spaces Committee meeting on 8th November. 

September 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

September 2022
Tuesday, 20:00
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Winter & Emergency Plan Sub Committee Meeting

Winter & Emergency Plan Subcommittee Meeting

September 2022
Tuesday, 19:00
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

September 2022
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

August 2022
Wednesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

August 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Finance Meeting

Finance Meeting

August 2022
Tuesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

This Planning meeting will NOT consider the Crouchlands Farm application.

August 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning & Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

July 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

July 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Please note, during the Public Forum and the brief presentation by DLBP Ltd, on behalf of Artemis Land and Agriculture Ltd, regarding the proposals for Rickman’s Village Green on the Crouchlands Farm site, the Parish Council will NOT consider, discuss, or share any view/opinion regarding any of the proposals outlined.

At this time, no planning application(s) have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) – who is Chichester District Council (CDC) – in relation to the proposed Rickman’s Village Green.

The Parish Council will consider the submitted planning application for the commercial ‘Whole Farm Plan’ during its Planning & Open Spaces Committee meetings. Please refer to the Parish Council’s website for meeting and agenda information. The next Planning Meeting is on 20th July.  

This is a paperless meeting, please bring a smart device (free WIFI) to access all meeting documentation, including the agenda. If you require a hard copy of the meeting papers, please contact the Clerk before 4pm on 13th July : - 01403 871 652 |
Thank you

June 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

June 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

June 2022
Wednesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

May 2022
Wednesday, 19:40
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Annual Parish Council Meeting

Annual Parish Council Meeting

May 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Annual Parish Meeting

Annual Assembly

To view the approved minutes of the 2021 Annual Parish Meeting please click here

May 2022
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Meeting now stands Cancelled

Please note, agenda item 8 "Foxbridge – public consultation" will not consider, or discuss any of the proposals recently issued by The Substantia Group. 


This meeting will be rescheduled as there is no quorum. 

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.
Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 860 5029 4230

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

April 2022
Wednesday, 20:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Winter & Emergency Plan Sub Committee Meeting

Winter & Emergency Plan Subcommittee Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 826 0215 7284

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

April 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID:  854 1893 2151

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

April 2022
Monday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID:  868 9303 7436

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

April 2022
Thursday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Finance Committee Meeting

Finance Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID:  886 6989 6419

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

April 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 895 8167 7977

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

This meeting was cancelled as it was not quorate. 

March 2022
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID:  848 2644 5652

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

Please note that the Clerk's Report and other documents referred to in the agenda will be published on this page shortly. 

March 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 837 6425 1168

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

Please note that the Clerk's Report and other documents referred to in the agenda will be published on this page shortly. 

February 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Meeting now stands Cancelled

This meeting was cancelled due to not being quorate. The next meeting of the Parish Council's Planning & Open Spaces Committee will take place on 15th March 2022

February 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

February 2022
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Meeting now stands Cancelled

Due to the prevalence of Covid-19 cases in the area and the spread of the new Covid-19 variant Omicron, the Parish Council has resolved (08.12.2021) to increase the authority of the Proper Officer to make decisions on behalf of the Council under delegated authority pursuant to s.101 Local Government Act 1972. 

The Parish Council will review this decision at a meeting on 9th February and if it is correct and safe to do so, will resolve to resume public meetings thereafter. 

January 2022
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 862 7252 1822

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

January 2022
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting - CANCELLED

Meeting now stands Cancelled

Due to the prevalence of Covid-19 cases in the area and the spread of the new Covid-19 variant Omicron, the Parish Council has resolved (08.12.2021) to increase the authority of the Proper Officer to make decisions on behalf of the Council under delegated authority pursuant to s.101 Local Government Act 1972.

December 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting - CANCELLED

Meeting now stands Cancelled

Due to the prevalence of Covid-19 cases in the area and the spread of the new Covid-19 variant Omicron, the Parish Council has resolved (08.12.2021) to increase the authority of the Proper Officer to make decisions on behalf of the Council under delegated authority pursuant to s.101 Local Government Act 1972.

December 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

December 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting - CANCELLED

Meeting now stands Cancelled

The meeting now stands cancelled as it is unable to be quorate. 

The planning matters on the agenda will be considered at the Full Council meeting on 8th December. 

November 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Winter & Emergency Plan Sub Committee Meeting

Meeting now stands Cancelled

This meeting was postponed due to illness. It will be rescheduled in due course. 

November 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 898 8212 8589

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

November 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Finance Committee Meeting

Finance Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 843 5214 5177

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

October 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

October 2021
Saturday, 12:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Annual Assembly

Annual Assembly



 Notice is hereby given that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held at the Winterton Hall, Plaistow on Saturday 16th October 2021.

The Annual Assembly will commence at 12 noon.

Please see dedicated web-page for more details 

The Annual Assembly is an opportunity for parishioners on the Electoral Roll for Plaistow and Ifold Parish to raise any matters of concern that relates to the local community. It would be helpful to have written notice of any matters to be raised but it is not essential. For any queries, please contact the Parish Council Clerk (Catherine Nutting - Tel. 01403 871 652).

October 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 891 1215 3258

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

Please note that the Clerk's Report and other documents referred to in the agenda will be published on this page shortly. 

October 2021
Wednesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 841 9097 3765

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

September 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Meeting now stands Cancelled

Unfortunately, this meeting was cancelled due to not being quorate (ill-health and work commitments of Councillors). 

Under paragraph 3.1.11 of the Scheme of Delegation, the Clerk has made and communicated No Comment decisions to the Planning Authority via electronic means in relation to the following applications:


1.      21/02527/DOM | Erection of two storey side extension with dormer. Demolition of tank and shed and erection of two storey garage - (variation of condition 2 of planning permission PS/20/02382/DOM - to reposition garage, extend walls to be rendered (and walls of existing house to be rendered to match) with additional 5 no. windows proposed to garage. | Roughlands Durfold Wood Plaistow RH14 0PL


2.      21/02576/PA1A | Single storey extension to the rear (a) rear extension - 8.00m (b) maximum height - 3.60m (c) height of eaves - 2.50m. | The Gatehouse Plaistow Road Loxwood Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0TR


The other matters listed on the agenda will be considered by the Planning Committee on 13th October during the full Council Meeting.  

September 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 895 7910 9844

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

September 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 841 0182 5411

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

August 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Please join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 860 5258 2082

Please contact the Clerk for the pass-code:

August 2021
Wednesday, 19:00
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Finance Committee Meeting

Finance Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Please join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 873 5074 6565

Please contact the Clerk for the pass-code:

July 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. 

In person attendance is permitted, provided the Clerk has been notified via email no later than 4pm on the day of the meeting. 

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

The agenda and Zoom details will be published no less than three clear days before the meeting. 

July 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. 

In person attendance is permitted, provided the Clerk has been notified via email no later than 4pm on the day of the meeting. 

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Please join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 843 3038 2815 

Please contact the Clerk for the pass-code:

July 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Meeting now stands Cancelled

This meeting will be re-scheduled. Please contact the Clerk for further information.

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. 

In person attendance is permitted, provided the Clerk has been notified via email no later than 4pm on the day of the meeting. 

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Please join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 862 8267 7441

Please contact the Clerk for the pass-code:

June 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. 

In person attendance is permitted, provided the Clerk has been notified via email no later than 4pm on the day of the meeting. 

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 870 5577 2858

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

June 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. 

In person attendance is permitted, provided the Clerk has been notified via email no later than 4pm on the day of the meeting. 

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 819 1371 3257

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

May 2021

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

May 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Annual Parish Council Meeting and Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Annual Parish Council Meeting

April 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 859 6491 1996

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

April 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 865 9098 0198

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

April 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

CANCELLED Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Meeting now stands Cancelled


Please be advised that there has been a change of dates for meetings scheduled this week. 

The official period of mourning (10th – 17th April) for HRH Price Philip, Duke of Edinburgh has impacted the legal rules which determine how and when Parish Council meetings are called. 

Therefore, the Planning Meeting scheduled for 20th April, has been re-listed on 27th April. A new agenda will be published on 21st April. 

If you have any queries, please contact the Clerk: 01403 871 652 |

March 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 862 7723 4675

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

March 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Winter & Emergency Plan Sub Committee Meeting

Winter & Emergency Plan Subcommittee Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 899 7818 5393

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

March 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 850 6382 1642

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

March 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 842 9645 8405

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

February 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

February 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 845 8440 9336

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

January 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting - CANCELLED

Planning Meeting

This meeting has been cancelled, as there are no new Planning Applications to consider at this time. All other business will be considered at the next meeting of the Planning and Open Spaces Committee on 9th February 2021.

If you have any questions, please contact the Clerk -

January 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Join Zoom meeting here
Meeting ID: 836 8173 3177

Please contact the Clerk for the pass code 

Please note, since the attached minutes were signed, the URL to the Lady Hope Playpark webpage has changed. Therefore, any links to the page within the minutes are incorrect. For information on the Lady Hope Playpark project, please navigate to here

January 2021
Tuesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 884 5961 4138

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting passcode -

January 2021
Monday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Winter & Emergency Plan Sub Committee Meeting

Winter & Emergency Plan Subcommittee Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 9882 6500
Please contact the Clerk for the pass code

December 2020
Thursday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 896 3488 1325

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -



This meeting did not take place as it was not quorate. Therefore, no minutes have been produced. Under clause 3.1.11 of the Parish Council's Scheme of Delegation the following planning applications were agreed and emails sent to their respective Planning Officers by the Clerk:

20/03038/TPA | Reduce 3 no. limbs on north sectors by 3m on 2 no. Oak trees (T1 and T2) subject to PS/71/00770/TPO. | The Martins 6 Oakfield Plaistow RH14 0QD

(in consultation with the Parish Tree Warden)

With regards to the above tree application; the photos quite clearly show that the two limbs the applicants want to reduce are split and diseased. The tree also has ivy growing up, which would be better removed as it adds to the weight of the limbs. There is a danger that the limbs may break off and given the proximity to the Dunsfold Road could cause injury or damage. Therefore the Parish Council has no objection to the tree works planned. 

20/02025/DOM | Erection of single storey rear extension. | Springhill Nursery The Lane Ifold Loxwood RH14 0UL

No Comment 

December 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Remote Conference Call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 826 1319 9609

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

December 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
Remote Conference Call (Zoom)

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 824 7766 9094

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

Please note, the attached minutes are draft and subject to change before being signed by the Chair at the next meeting on 13th January 2021.

December 2020
Thursday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

Extraordinary Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 873 3676 0657

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code -

November 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Remote Conference Call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 835 9160 8023

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code 


November 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Remote Conference Call (Zoom)

Full Parish Council Meeting - 11th November

Full Parish Council Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 835 9160 8023

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code 

October 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 833 8872 1114 

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting passcode 

This meeting did not take place as it was not quorate. Therefore, no minutes have been produced. The two planning applications were agreed as No Comment under clause 3.1.11 of the Parish Council's Scheme of Delegation and emails sent to the respective Planning Officers by the Clerk.

October 2020
Remote Conference Call (Zoom)

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting Here

Meeting ID: 892 6708 9557

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting password 

October 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Via remote conference call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Join the Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 835 4191 2365

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting passcode 

October 2020

Winter & Emergency Plan Subcommittee Meeting

Winter & Emergency Plan Subcommittee Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 1353 9513
Please contact the Clerk for the passcode

September 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
Remote Conference Call (Zoom)

CANCELLED Winter & Emergency Plan Subcommittee Meeting

Winter & Emergency Plan Subcommittee Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 842 3047 9479
Please contact the Clerk for the passcode

CANCELLED - the meeting is not quorate. It will be rescheduled ASAP

September 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
Remote Conference Call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 858 1793 9339
Please contact the Clerk for the meeting password

September 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Remote Conference Call (Zoom)

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 3830 8025
Please contact the Clerk for the meeting password

August 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Remote Conference Call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting
Zoom meeting link via the agenda. Please contact the Clerk for the password.

August 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Remote Conference Call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

July 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Remote Conference Call (Zoom)

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

July 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Remote Conference Call (Zoom)

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

June 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Remote Dial In Meeting

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

June 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Remote Conference Call (Zoom)

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

June 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Zoom Meeting - contact Clerk for password

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

May 2020
Thursday, 19:30
Remote Dial In Meeting

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

May 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Remote Dial In Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

April 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Please see agenda for zoom meeting link

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

April 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Remote Dial In Meeting

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

March 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
Remote Conference Call

Extraordinary Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

March 2020
Thursday, 19:30
Holy Trinity Church, Plaistow

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

March 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

February 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

February 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

January 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting

January 2020
Tuesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Full Parish Council Meeting

Full Parish Council Meeting

January 2020
Wednesday, 19:30
Kelsey Hall, Ifold

Planning and Open Spaces Committee Meeting

Planning Meeting