
We hope that our new website will become a trusted community resource where you can find information about what is happening in the Parish, as well as the surrounding area. Whether you are looking for the contact details of our local MP; or how to report a pothole; or what projects the Parish Council are working on – then this is the website to visit! The aim is that it will be interactive; you can engage with the work of the Parish Council and make your voice heard. Whether that be by participating in public consultations; or the development of a new local project; or providing information, photographs and local news to be published; or even managing your own page on the Council’s website in relation to your project, club or business! Perhaps you are new to the area and want to find out what goes on? Or are you a Riparian Owner and need to understand your legal duties? Or maybe you need to know when the Parish Council will consider your planning application? Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council invites you to provide feedback and information to help build this community interactive space. We look forward to hearing from you.

General Queries.

Request to see the details we have

Delete all my personal data you have

Alternative format download request

Jane Bromley

Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

Please be advised the Clerk works part time, work patterns are flexible -do leave a message and the Clerk will be in touch.

Additional information

Clerk to the parish can be contacted by
Tel 01403 83 93 00
Email clerk@plaistowandifold-pc.gov.uk