September 2021
Wednesday, 19:30
Winterton Hall, Plaistow

Full Parish Council Meeting

Covid-19 measures 

Public and Press are strongly encouraged to join this meeting remotely via Zoom. However, in person attendance is also permitted.

Please refer to the meeting Risk Assessment here.

Join the Zoom meeting here

Meeting ID: 895 7910 9844

Please contact the Clerk for the meeting pass-code - clerk@plaistowandifold.org.uk





Additional Documents

Sessile Oak Tree Surgery Quote.pdf Sessile Oak Tree Surgery Quote for decay evaluation.pdf North Parishes Minutes 28.07.2021.pdf Parish Online.pdf Working Groups Policy & Terms of Reference 2021.pdf 09. SEPT Full Parish Council Meeting Clerk's Report 08.09.2021.pdf District Cllr. Evans September Update.pdf 09. SEPT Order for Payments 08.09.2021.pdf 08. AUG Newsletter Steering Group Minutes 11.08.2021.pdf