On 14th March 2024 the Parish Council responded to further amended documents from the site proposers for 22/03114/FULEIA and 22/03131/OUTEIA as attached below.

The Parish Council has set up this designated web page to keep the community informed regarding the redevelopment proposals and planning applications in relation to the Crouchlands Farm site. 

On 26th November 2019, the Parish Council facilitated a public meeting at which Artemis Land and Agriculture Ltd presented their plans for the Crouchlands Farm site.

A recording of this meeting, along with the presentation banners displayed around the Winterton Hall, are available on the Parish Council's website here.

Artemis Land and Agriculture Ltd have submitted the below documents to Chichester District Council (CDC) as part of the Local Plan Review (LPR): -

Whole Farm Plan

On 5th July 2022, the Parish Council received the following letter from Artemis Land and Agriculture Ltd: -

The 'Whole Farm Plan' was considered by the Local Planning Authority (LPA) (CDC) in 2021 for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Opinion. The LPA concluded: -

"This assessment has considered the nature, scale and location of the proposal and the particular environmental conditions of the site and surroundings. Overall, it is considered that the proposal does constitute EIA development and will require the submission of an Environmental Statement (ES) with any planning application. The critical issues expected to be addressed in an ES would be:

- the impact of the development on biodiversity and protected species and designated sites

- the impact on integrity on the Arun Valley SPA, SAC and Ramsar resulting from water extraction

-the impact with regard to pollution, the risk of major accidents and the risks to human health

- the impact from traffic generation, noise and air quality

- the impact from lighting"

The full details of this application can be found on CDC's website

21/00545/EIA|Screening opinion - commercial and high welfare, low impact and low intensity farming activity, the gradual development of a rural enterprise centre, a rural food and retail centre, equestrian centre, and glamping site.|Crouchlands Farm Rickmans Lane Plaistow Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0LE

The LPA has validated the submitted 'Whole Farm Plan' planning application. The planning application has now been published and is available for public scrutiny and comment via CDC's website.

22/01735/FULEIA|Regeneration of Crouchlands Farm, comprising demolition of selected buildings, extension, refurbishment and remodelling of selected buildings and the erection of new buildings to provide up to a total of 17,169 sq m (including retained / refurbished existing buildings) comprising the existing farm hub (sui generis), a rural enterprise centre (Use Classes E, C1 and F1), a rural food and retail centre (Use Class E and F1), an equestrian centre (Use Class F2 and C1) and a glamping site (Use Class E and sui generis); provision of new hardstanding, pedestrian, cycle and vehicular access, circulation and parking, landscaping including new tree planting, maintenance and improvements to the Public Rights of Way, site infrastructure and ground remodelling.|Crouchlands Farm Rickmans Lane Plaistow Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0LE

The Planning Officer who is considering this application has advised the Parish Council as follows: -

  • The current consultation date is 16 August 2022
  • Various parties have requested extensions to this time, which given the amount of information, and the time of year, is reasonable
  • Obviously the sooner that the comments come in the sooner that the applicant has an opportunity to respond to them
  • You should be aware that the 16 week target for the determination period is 02/11/22
  • It is possible that, once the consultation responses from consultees are received, that additional information will be requested from the applicant. If that is the case then I would formally reconsult.
  • The applicant has now submitted the Non Technical Summary for the EIA which I have now uploaded onto the CDC online planning file. I will need to re-consult on the basis of this additional document, however as I previously indicated, I anticipate that I will be requesting additional info from the applicant and don’t want to continually bombard consultees/stakeholders with re-consultation requests. So this is by way of being an informal indication of additional information rather than a formal re-consultation at present.

The Parish Council is a Statutory Consultee within the planning process i.e., an organisation, defined by statute, which the LPA is legally required to consult before reaching a decision on relevant planning applications. The Parish Council will formally consider this planning application at a public planning meeting on Tuesday 27th September 2022

On 28th April 2021, the Parish Council resolved to instruct planning and transport experts to assist the Council in ensuring that the plans for the site are in keeping with the area and bring about positive change (C/21/075).

The Parish Council has experience instructing and working with SW Transport Planning Ltd and Temple Group. On 13th July 2022, the Council resolved to appoint a Planning Working Group to support the Planning Committee and full Council in relation to large-scale and complex planning applications. The Planning Working Group was officially constituted at a public meeting of the Planning and Open Spaces Committee on 3rd August 2022. On 31st August 2022, the Planning and Open Spaces Committee resolved to instruct planning consultant Troy Hayes of Troy Planning and Design.

The following Letters of Instruction have been sent to SW Transport Planning Ltd, Temple Group and Troy Planning and Design: -

On 27th September, the Parish Council considered the planning application and unanimously resolved to object to the proposals.

The Parish Council has submitted the following letters of objection: -

3rd October 2022 - Letter of Objection regarding Traffic issues; submitting SW Transport Planning Ltd's Transport Technical Note and Crouchland Biogas Appeal Decision

5th October 2022 -Letter of Objection regarding Water Neutrality issues and Drainage

7th October 2022 - Letter of Objection regarding Landscape impact, submitting Landscape Technical Note, Ruth Child, Landscape Specialist

10th October 2022 - Letter of Objection in response to the Whole Farm Plan, appending:

* Appendix A Prestige Alternative Finance Impairment document

* Appendix B Equestrian Venue Provision Report Comments

* Appendix C Racing Post article

* Appendix D Racing Post article

* Appendix E Crouchlands Biogas Appeal Decision

* Appendix F Parish Council Letter to Local Planning Authority (LPA) 15.08.2022

* Appendix G Parish Council Letter to LPA 15.09.2022

The Local Planning Authority has uploaded the Parish Council's objection letters onto the public planning portal, along with all other documentation relating to this matter; including letters of objection from Kirdford Parish Council, Wisborough Green Parish Council and Loxwood Parish Council. You can access all documentation on Chichester District Council's website here.

In April 2023, the Applicant submitted additional documents regarding the 'Whole Farm Plan' application (made publicly available on 11th May) which made material changes to the proposals, summarised within the Applicant's ‘Whole Farm Plan Cover Letter’ dated 28th April 2023 - significantly the removal of the equestrian centre.

On 14th June 2023, the Parish Council consider the amended application and the recommendations of the Council’s Planning Working Group; that the changes do not alter the Parish Council’s original strong objection, submitted to the Local Planning Authority in October 2022.

The additional documents referred to in the letter can be found at the bottom of this webpage, as they were submitted in relation to the two Rickman's Green Village applications. 

Rickman's Green Village

The following letter was received by the Parish Council regarding the proposals for a 'Rickman's Green Village' at the Crouchlands Farm site: -

Letter to PC regarding Rickman's Green Village
Letter to PC regarding Rickman's Green Village

In the interest of transparency, public accountability and fairness, the Parish Council declined Artemis Land and Agriculture Ltd's invitation for a meeting.

The minutes of the Parish Council's meeting at which DLBP Ltd, on behalf of Artemis Land and Agriculture Ltd, presented the proposals for the Rickman's Green Village can be found on the Parish Council's website here.

Local residents received this letter: -

A public consultation drop-in exhibition regarding these proposals was held on 12th July 2022, between 2pm - 7pm at Crouchlands Farm, Rickman's Lane.

A further public consultation regarding Rickman's Green Village took place on Tuesday 4 October 2022, between 3:30pm and 6:30pm at Crouchlands Farm, Rickman’s Lane, West Sussex RH14 0LE.

The Parish Council received the following letter from DLBP on Thursday 22nd September 2022

In December 2022, the Local Planning Authority - Chichester District Council - received two (2) planning applications for the proposed Rickman's Green Village:-

22/03114/FULEIA| Erection of 108 dwellings (Use Class C3), and associated access and street network, footpaths, open spaces, plant, landscaping and site infrastructure.| Crouchlands Farm Rickmans Lane Plaistow Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0LE


22/03131/OUTEIA|Outline planning application (with all matters reserved except access) for the erection of up to 492 dwellings (Use Class C3), education provision including primary school (Use Class F1) and associated access, footpaths, open spaces, landscaping and site infrastructure.|Crouchlands Farm Rickmans Lane Plaistow Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0LE

On 17th May 2023, the Parish Council considered both applications and resolved to strongly object to both proposals. The minutes of the meeting can be found here.

On 14th June 2023, the Parish Council noted the representations submitted to the Local Planning Authority on 5th and 6th June 2023.

On 14th March 2024 the Parish Council responded to further amended documents from the site proposers for 22/03114/FULEIA and 22/03131/OUTEIA as attached below.

On 11th April 2024 Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council responded to further amended documents from the site proposers for 22/01735/FULEIA | Regeneration of Crouchlands Farm, Rickmans Lane Plaistow Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0LE

APPEAL REFERENCE -APP/L3815/W/24/3344661

Artemis Land And Agriculture Ltd have appealed against the Chichester District Council's (CDC) refusal of  two of the applications relating to Crouchlands

22/03114/FULEIA| Erection of 108 dwellings (Use Class C3), and associated access and street network, footpaths, open spaces, plant, landscaping and site infrastructure.| Crouchlands Farm Rickmans Lane Plaistow Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0LE


22/03131/OUTEIA|Outline planning application (with all matters reserved except access) for the erection of up to 492 dwellings (Use Class C3), education provision including primary school (Use Class F1) and associated access, footpaths, open spaces, landscaping and site infrastructure.|Crouchlands Farm Rickmans Lane Plaistow Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0LE

and the non determination within the time specified regarding the third application.

22/01735/FULEIA | Regeneration of Crouchlands Farm, Rickmans Lane Plaistow Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0LERegeneration of Crouchlands Farm.

At a recent CDC Planning Committee meeting Office recommended to contest the appeal regarding 22/01735/FULEIA setting out 18 reasons as set out in the document appended below.

The Planning Inspectorate have confirmed that the appeal will be heard by way of a Public Inquiry and has scheduled 10 days, commencing on 1 October. The Council’s Statement of Case is due to be submitted to PINS on 19th July 2024.

The deadline for submission to the appeal process from the public is 19th July 2024

The Crouchlands Appeal Hearing date is set to be from 1st October 2024 for a number of days to be held at Avisford Park Hotel, Arundel from 9.30am From 1st to 16th October.

the final day is to be online and those interested may login. Details on CDC website.

 Appeal documents available on the Chichester District Website:


Below the Parish Council have sent a letter dated 23rd October 2024 to Chichester District Council thanking them for their roobust defence of their planning decision.

All three ap[plications dismissed at appeal. See the Inspectorate decision below.