Please print and complete the attached sheet to respond to the consultation. Word format or hard copies of the consultation and repsonses sheet are available from the Clerk 01403 839300



Chichester District Council are to decide on development sites within Plaistow and Ifold Parish and this will be achieved once the Chichester District Emerging Local Plan is Adopted via a Local Development Scheme the timetable for which is set out below. Residents will have a chance to comment on site or sites chosen at the Regulation 18 stage of the process anticipated to be in Autumn 2025.

Timetable - Local Development Scheme - Chichester District Council

Key milestones:


Approval of Site Allocation DPD for consultation

Autumn 2025

Consultation on Site Allocation DPD (Reg 18)

Autumn 2025

Approval for Statutory Public Consultation on Site Allocation DPD (Publication)

Autumn 2026

Statutory Public Consultation on Site Allocation DPD (Reg 19) (Publication)

Autumn 2026

Submission to Secretary of State

Winter 2026

Examination Hearings

Spring 2027

Adoption (anticipated)

Summer/Autumn 2027


AECOM Planning Consultants working with the Parish Coucnil and taken into account views expressed at the 7th December 2023 Consultation Event have produced a Design Code which will supply evidence to support policies in the Neighbourhood Plan and direct development in the Parish towards good design.

                                                                           7th December 2023

On 7th December 2023 Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council together with AECOM consultants, hosted a consultation event on the 2023 Neighbourhood Plan. Attendees were asked to respond to seven questions and the questions and responses are set out below. 

If you missed this event you can still respond to the questions by emailing or post your responses into the Winterton Hall, Plaistow, post box on the front of the building. Further responses will be accepted up to 22nd March 2024.The consultation has now closed.

On 8th August 2023, the Parish Council resolved to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan.

You can read the minutes of this meeting here: -

This is a wholly new Neighbourhood Plan and not a ‘revival’ of the previous draft Plan, which was aborted in February 2022 at Examination stage due to Water Neutrality issues. 

If you would like further information about the previous draft Plan, please click the button below: -

Who will prepare the Neighbourhood Plan?

Colin Smith Planning Ltd has been instructed to undertake the majority of the work to prepare the Neighbourhood Plan. Colin Smith Planning Ltd is familiar with the parish area, issues regarding Water Neutrality, and many of the policies and background evidence to be reviewed / re-worked / updated.

The consultancy firm will work alongside additional expert support offered via the Government grant system for 'technical Neighbourhood Plans'.

Decisions will be made by the full Council.

Each full Parish Council meeting will have a standing agenda item to consider the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan. Meetings of the Parish Council are held in public, and you are most welcome to attend - either in person, or remotely via zoom.

Agendas and minutes are published on the website; either on the homepage or via the Meeting Agenda and Minutes page.

Communities take a proactive approach in preparing a Neighbourhood Plan. Throughout the process there will be various public consultations and events to ensure everyone has provided their views and the Neighbourhood Plan represents the parish's shared vision for how it should develop over the coming years in ways that meet identified local needs.

The final Neighbourhood Plan must be made with the consent of the community via a referendum.

What will it cost?

The total maximum cost to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan is likely to be approximately £22,050.

Some of this cost is met from Government grant funding (about 80%); the remaining 20% is borne by the Parish Council's Precept.

More information about neighbourhood planning and how it works within the planning system can be found here: -