Sussex Resilience Forum (SRF)
WSCC and CDC are part of the Sussex Resilience Forum. Through the SRF, organisations work together to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies. The SRF is responsible for coordinating and testing emergency plans and procedures so that member organisations are prepared to meet their duties specified under the Civil Contingencies Act. During an incident or emergency, members of the SRF work together to support the organisation/s that are leading the response. The Sussex Resilience Forum is hosted online on behalf of all partners by Sussex Police.
The SRF website provides information on protecting yourself and your family including being prepared for an emergency, creating an evacuation plan, family emergency plan and home emergency kit.
All local resilience forums are required to publish a community risk register, setting out the most likely risks, the plans in place to manage those risks and what local communities can do to be prepared. The Sussex Community Risk Register (CRR) provides information on the biggest
emergencies that could happen in Sussex, together with an assessment of how
likely they are to happen and the impacts if they do. This includes the impacts to
people, their houses, the environment and local businesses. A summary of the Sussex CRR can be found here.