Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Beacon, unlit on Plaistow village green. June 2022
Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Beacon, unlit on Plaistow village green. June 2022

Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council is committed to helping residents to be more resilient and prepared and works closely with West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and Chichester District Council (CDC) to achieve this aim.

The Parish Council prepares a Winter Resilience Plan and Emergency Number List to support the community to respond to adverse weather / major incident(s) / emergencies whilst they are awaiting the assistance of the Emergency Services and/or County/District Councils, or in support of them.

The Parish Council holds a list of vulnerable residents. This is a private list that only Members of the Parish Council can access in times of emergency. 

If you feel that you should be on this list, please do contact the Clerk: clerk@plaistowandifold-pc.gov.uk. 

Examples of the way this list would be used includes, if there were a prolonged power cut / issues with local water supply / prolonged adverse weather, such a people being snowed in, or fallen trees cutting people off from main roads etc. the Parish Council can ensure that the most vulnerable in the community are thought about and contacted to ensure that they are safe and well. 

The Parish Council has an Emergency Numbers List to keep in case of an emergency and please ask the Clerk for a copy of this. 

Sussex Resilience Forum (SRF)

WSCC and CDC are part of the Sussex Resilience Forum. Through the SRF, organisations work together to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies. The SRF is responsible for coordinating and testing emergency plans and procedures so that member organisations are prepared to meet their duties specified under the Civil Contingencies Act. During an incident or emergency, members of the SRF work together to support the organisation/s that are leading the response. The Sussex Resilience Forum is hosted online on behalf of all partners by Sussex Police.

The SRF website provides information on protecting yourself and your family including being prepared for an emergency, creating an evacuation plan, family emergency plan and home emergency kit.

All local resilience forums are required to publish a community risk register, setting out the most likely risks, the plans in place to manage those risks and what local communities can do to be prepared. The Sussex Community Risk Register (CRR) provides information on the biggest emergencies that could happen in Sussex, together with an assessment of how likely they are to happen and the impacts if they do. This includes the impacts to people, their houses, the environment and local businesses. A summary of the Sussex CRR can be found here.

Useful Information

Power Cuts - support from UK Power Networks

If you need extra support in a Power cut, register here for free
If you have a power cut call 105
Text POWER and your postcode to 80876

West Sussex County Council

WSCC's website provides information about how to prepare for an emergency, such as: -

preparing for a heatwave

preparing for winter, including road gritting and Winter Service Plan

Home fire safety


Reporting problems with trees and hedges

In an emergency, that requires an immediate response e.g., a tree has fallen and is blocking the road, please phone 01243 642105 to report a safety issue.

Do not report emergencies online as the website is not monitored at weekends.

Report an issue / damage to a road or pavement

Report an issue with a Public Right of Way

Chichester District Council

CDC's website provides information about emergencies, such as: -


General help & support in an emergency - call CDC on 01243 785 or Out of hours (5pm – 8.45am) 01243 785339

Report fly tipping 

Water & Waste Water Emergencies - Southern Water

Step by step guide to cope with water and wastewater emergencies

Flood Warnings - Flooodline

Sign up for flood warnings online or call Floodline if you're in an area at risk.

0345 988 1188 (24 hrs) / Textphone: 0345 602 6340

Use this Government website to check about flooding in your area: check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk

British Red Cross

Emergencies can strike at any time and anywhere. The British Red Cross can be there to give support to anyone affected. They provide the people, equipment, space and resources to support those affected by an emergency, helping them to recover.

Emergency Services
In an emergency call 999

The Useful Links page on the Parish Council's website has information regarding travel, contacting your MP, the Environment Agency and local doctor as well as links to information about extreme weather and emergencies.