  • Shillinglee House

    Crouchlands Farm

    Planning application

    View Details

  • Plaistow Stores

    Plaistow Stores

  • Green Spaces Nell Ball Hill

    Get involved with the Biodiversity Working Group

    help our rare species with small but effective projects

    View Details

  • Green Spaces Nell Ball Hill

    Apply for a Parish Council Grant Award

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  • Local Finger Posts

    Are you a Riparian Owner?

    Do you know your legal duties?

    View details

  • Plaistow Church

    Take part in our monthly Quiz

    View Details

  • Shillinglee pond

    Safer Bus Stop Project - Phase Two

    New Bus Shelter in Plaistow - coming soon

    View Details

  • Dursfold_Wood_road

    We welcome your comments and suggestions

    Please get in touch

    View Details


The Parish Council has developed this website in order to provide information about the villages, community life and the work of the Parish Council. We hope that this community website resource becomes a well-used and trusted source of information and encourages everyone to become involved in a wide range of activities. We welcome your comments and suggestions and are pleased to include news and information concerning the villages and surrounding area. If you have any suggestions for additional information, or photographs of the Parish which you have taken and would like to see displayed on the website, please let us know by contacting the Parish Clerk, Catherine by emailing: clerk@plaistowandifold-pc.gov.uk  

Plaistow and Ifold Parish comprises the four villages of Plaistow, Ifold, Durfold Wood and Shillinglee, with a combined population of 1900 in the 2011 census, enjoying a picturesque location on the West Sussex border.

16 July 2024
Kelsey Hall, Ifold Tuesday 7:30 pm View Details
07 August 2024

Planning Meeting

Winterton Hall, Plaistow Wednesday 7:30 pm View Details
28 August 2024

Planning Meeting

Winterton Hall, Plaistow Wednesday 7:30 pm View Details
10 September 2024

Planning Meeting

Kelsey Hall, Ifold Tuesday 7:30 pm View Details

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